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  • 姓  名:金朝强
  • 性  别:
  • 出生日期:1993年9月
  • 民  族:
  • 籍  贯:河南信阳
  • 学  位:博士
  • 学  历:研究生
  • 职  称:特任教授
  • 职  务:
  • 政治面貌:群众
  • 邮  箱:[email protected]
  • 联系电话:


20246月毕业于海南大学热带农林学院作物学专业,主要从事水稻绿色、高产、优质、高效生产方面的研究。曾获2023年国家奖学金,并于2024年被评选为2022-2023学年度全国100名研究生国家奖学金获奖学生优秀代表,相关事迹被《人民日报》、《海南日报》和《海南特区报》等多家媒体报道。已经以第一作者身份在Field Crops ResearchFood Chemistry: XEnergyFood and Energy Security等本领域国际权威期刊上发表SCI论文10篇,其中中科院一区论文7篇,二区论文3篇,并有一篇论文入选了ESI高被引论文。


2024.8-至 今:香港最快的现场直播,香港最快的现场直播,专任教师





1. Jin Zhaoqiang, …, Nie Lixiao*. Effect of water and nitrogen coupling on energy balance and production efficiency in rice production. Energy. 2024. 288: 129739. (中科院1TOP期刊,IF: 9.0)

2. Jin Zhaoqiang, …, Nie Lixiao*. Integrated assessment of water footprint and energy production efficiency in different rice-rape rotation systems. Energy. 2023. 266: 126535. (中科院1TOP期刊,IF: 9.0)

3. Jin Zhaoqiang, …, Nie Lixiao*. Active compounds: A new direction for rice value addition. Food Chemistry: X. 2023. 19: 100781. (中科院1TOP期刊,IF: 6.5)

4. Jin Zhaoqiang, …, Nie Lixiao*. Dry direct-seeded rice-wheat rotation system: Lower water and carbon footprint and higher carbon production efficiency and net ecosystem economic benefits. Field Crops Research. 2024. 309: 109323. (中科院1TOP期刊,IF: 5.6)

5. Jin Zhaoqiang#, Tao Ye#, …, Nie Lixiao*. Trade-off between grain yield and bioactive substance content of colored rice under coupled water and nitrogen conditions. Field Crops Research. 2024. 309: 109312. (中科院1TOP期刊,IF: 5.6)

6. Jin Zhaoqiang, …, Nie Lixiao*. Energy assessment of different rice-wheat rotation systems. Food and Energy Security. 2021;10: e284. (中科院1TOP期刊,IF: 4.0)

7. Jin Zhaoqiang, …, Nie Lixiao*. Effect of straw returning on soil organic carbon in rice-wheat rotation system: A review. Food and Energy Security. 2020. 9: e200. (中科院1TOP期刊,IF: 4.0ESI高被引论文)

8. Jin Zhaoqiang, …, Nie Lixiao*. Effect of different rice planting methods on the water, energy and carbon footprints of subsequent wheat. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2023. 7: 1173916. (中科院2区,IF: 3.7)

9. Jin Zhaoqiang, …, Nie Lixiao*. Dry direct-seeded rice has higher energy and carbon production efficiencies without reducing economic benefits. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture. 2023. 103: 6044–6054. (中科院2TOP期刊,IF: 3.3)

10. Jin Zhaoqiang#, Wang Yidan#, …, Nie Lixiao*, Khan Mohammad Nauman*. Effects of shading intensities on the yield and contents of anthocyanin and soluble sugar in tubers of purple sweet potato. Crop Science. 2023. 63: 3013–3024. (中科院2TOP期刊,IF: 2.0)

11. Jin Zhaoqiang, Nie Lixiao*. Functional rice: A new direction for sustainable development of rice production. Tropical Plants. 2023. 2: 13.

12. 金朝强,聂立孝*. 栽培管理措施对稻麦轮作系统土壤有机碳和氮素积累及作物产量的影响.湖北农业科学, 2020, 59(14): 12–17.

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